

Brand: Maxtreme
Availability: In Stock
Package: 10 ampoules (250mg/ml)
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)

Testo-Non-1 is a popular brand name for the anabolic steroid Sustanon. Sustanon is a specific mix of different testosterone esters which leads the group of the most powerful androgenic agents. The drug produced by the company Maxtreme Pharma has remained one of the most demanded steroids in strength sports for many years. It justifies the hopes of amateurs and professionals by helping to overcome the training plateau and allowing you to get solid increases in strength indicators for the course.


The success of the anabolic is provided by the four Testosterone esters: Propionate, Decanoate, Isocaproate and Phenylpropionate. These components are selected by the manufacturer in such a way that the action begins straight after the injection and the high level of the hormone is maintained for 2-3 weeks. During a Sustanon cycle, you can expect to receive:

- A rapid increase in muscle mass. The average intensity of muscle growth is up to 6kg in 1 month. - Ability to suppress catabolism. It helps to prevent the breakdown of muscle cells in case of insufficient internal resources of the body during training.

- Acceleration of haematopoiesis processes. The use of Testosterone in the form of injections activates the red bone marrow, followed by an intensive release of red blood cells into the bloodstream, which are responsible for the transport of oxygen and its delivery to tissues, muscles and nerves. As a result, there is an increase in endurance, a significant surge of strength and vitality.

- Increased libido. It is a side effect that is often just as important as the anabolic one.


The minimum dosage per week is 300mg and the maximum dosage is 800mg. Duration of the cycle is from 6 to 12 weeks. Injections are given in the buttock every 5-7 days or twice a week. The latter option provides consistently high testosterone levels. Sustanon in combination with Nandrolone, Oxandrolone and Methandienone gives greater muscle growth. The application of Sustanon in conjunction with Winstrol increases the growth of strength indicators. Please note that Sustanon by Maxtreme Pharma is an oil solution. It can be mixed in the same syringe with other oil solutions and cannot be combined with aqueous suspensions.

Aromatase inhibitors (Anastrozole) and antioestrogens (Tamoxifen or Nolvadex) will help restore the natural hormonal balance, reduce the likelihood of side effects and maintain the achieved results.


Side effects from a Sustanon cycle are extremely rare with the correct dosage and intake of antioestrogens. However, we must not forget about the individual reaction of the body, and this can only be dealt with by trying each drug separately. If taken incorrectly, you may observe:

• Excessive accumulation of water;

• Acne;

• An increase in the size of breasts;

• Baldness or increased hair growth.


Representatives of all power sports are delighted with the results they get from a Sustanon cycle. Experienced athletes do not advise to immediately increase the dosage at first, it is better to gain the maximum effect from the minimum dose. According to many estimates, the strength indicators continue to be high even a month after the end of the cycle, excess fluid goes away quickly, and there are no side reactions when a proper PCT is done.

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