

Brand: Maxtreme
Availability: In Stock
Package: 10 ampoules/box (75mg/ml)
Substance: Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

Tren-Max-1 is produced by Maxtreme Pharma and is used by both beginners and professional athletes. The main substance in the product is Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan). The drug should always be combined with some testosterone ester. Due to its long-lasting action after entry into the bloodstream, it is not necessary for frequent injections.



Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate has a powerful effect on the growth of muscle mass. The drug does not aromatize and has increased androgenic activity, as well as by resistance to nitrogen excretion from muscles, and also stimulates protein absorption. The product boosts the production of IGF-1 and increases the red blood cell count, which positively effects the oxygen content in the user’s blood. The drug doubles the insulin-like growth factor, which itself is a natural steroid. All of these factors combined have a positive effect on the athlete's recovery, even after an intense workout.

The effect of taking Parabolan:

•        Effectively fights fat deposits.

•        Increases muscle mass.

•        Ensures rapid recovery even after intensive workouts.

•        Reduces cortisol levels.

•        Increases sex drive (during the cycle).

•        Increases the rate of production of insulin-like growth factors.

•        Improves the quality of muscles (definition).

•        Increases strength.



The dosage and duration of the cycle is determined individually and is based on the level of the athlete’s fitness, their health, goals, and prior experience with the use of anabolic drugs.

We recommend a weekly dosage of 75 - 300 mg with Injections being administered 1 time per week for 5 - 6 weeks. To keep an eye on the body’s tolerance to the drug, it is necessary to start with the minimum dosage. The drug’s active ingredient affects the androgenic testosterone index so it should be taken together with gonadotropin, starting from the 2nd week.

Proceed with Post-Cycle Therapy 2 weeks after the cycle has come to an end using Clomid, or Toremifene. We do not recommend the use of Tamoxifen for this purpose because it increases progestin manifestations.

You may combine the drug with Nandrolone, Trenbolone Enanthate, and Testosterone.

Beginners should use this product solo, and it may also be combined with Winstrol and Anavar for drying.



•        Increased blood pressure.

•        Increased sweating.

•        Acne.

•        Gynecomastia.

•        Shrinkage of testicles.

•        Increase in blood cholesterol.

•        Increase in body hair.

•        Alopecia.

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