

Brand: Maxtreme
Availability: In Stock
Package: 40mcg (50 pills)
Substance: Clenbuterol hydrochloride (Clen)

Main characteristics (UK):

  • Unmethylated and non-aromatizing;
  • Good for women (in contrast to Nandralone in the UK);
  • Improved libido;
  • It can be used as course support or aftertreatment course of therapy;
  • Due to the fact that it nemetilirovany, it can be used in conjunction with some other pro-anabolic compounds.

Side effects and possible consequences of the use of Clenbuterol

The degree of side effects depends on the dosage of clenbuterol, while taking the drug say that the majority of side effects diminish with prolonged administration. It is recommended to be used with caution Clenbuterol in conjunction with other adrenoceptor agonists as side effects may be intensified. For this reason it is not recommended to take maple with ephedrine, or a combination of ephedrine-caffeine-aspirin.

The most common side effects of Clenbuterol include:

  • Headache;
  • Muscle tremors (especially hand tremor);
  • Muscle cramps;
  • Nervousness;
  • Insomnia;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Increased appetite;
  • Nausea;
  • Palpitations;
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • Possible cardiac hypertrophy as maple effect on smooth muscle and muscle fibers of the heart tissue;
  • In animal studies, phenomena were observed necrosis of heart muscle tissues.

Considering the listed side effects of the drug, should not take stimulants like Clenbuterol, persons with impaired cardiac function or hypertension. Taking the drug with caution should be those who are already taking these drugs for treatment. In addition, there is not enough reliable information on the cardiac effects of high doses of the drug in humans.

Recommended dose by scientists from the UK

It is well known that the use of clenbuterol inhibits beta-2 receptors. This is due to the stimulating effect of the preparation. Therefore, to make maple for long periods without interruption inappropriate. It is believed that the alternation of two days of drug administration with a two days break keeps the susceptibility of the receptors. However, clenbuterol has a relatively long half-life, and the drug continues to operate even during breaks. More practical would be a two-week course of the drug with a two-week break. Maximum plasma drug concentration achieved after 2 to 3 hours after oral administration, and half-life of 34 hours. (Study Zimmer, 1976).

A gradual increase in the dose recommended to prevent the possible severe side effects. As a rule, it is recommended to start a course to receive one tablet (20 mg) on ​​the first day, increasing at one tablet daily. Assuming normal tolerability, the seventh day the dose is 140 mcg (7 tablets), and that amount should be taken throughout the second week of the course. Exceed this dose it does not make sense, as this will cause a glut receptors. The gradual reduction of the dose is also not necessary.

In the next cycle of the course, in the 5th and 6th weeks, so it is not necessary to increase the dose gradually, starting with one tablet, as you now know how your body carries the drug. For example, if the first cycle was completed on seven tablets a day, then the next you can start with a 4 - 5 tablets, and gradually increase to seven. This is followed again restrict the 7th or 8th day tablets.

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