NPP 150

NPP 150

Brand: Dragon Pharma
Availability: In Stock
Package: 10ml vial (150mg/ml)
Substance: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP)

NPP 150 is a steroid produced by the well-known company Dragon Pharma. The anabolic steroid is considered a supplemented version of Nandrolone Decanoate, that is Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) to be more precise. The drug is widely used in medicine when it is necessary to reduce the recovery time after surgery. Also, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is used for the prevention of breast cancer. But this substance is most famous among athletes.


In general, the drug does not differ in its action from Nandrolone Decanoate, except for the half-life. This steroid’s half-life period is much shorter, so it needs to be used more often. The drug was developed to ensure maximum content of the active substance in the blood. The main effects of the reception make an increase in strength and endurance.

The drug has the following positive effects on the body:

  • Increase in strength and endurance, while the volume and weight of muscle tissue do not change much in respects of excess water retention
  • The volume of muscle mass is pure and grows at a moderate rate
  • The drug is involved in the process of fat burning
  • It also stimulates the immune system


NPP 150 differs from standard steroids in that it has a shorter half-life. For this reason, the number of weekly injections is increased to two times, the duration of the cycle is from one and a half to two months. An athlete needs to take 50 milligrams every three days in the initial stages, then the indicated dosage can be increased to 100 milligrams.

NPP 150 can and should be taken in conjunction with other anabolic steroids, such as Testosterone or Methandienone. This simultaneous use of several drugs allows the muscles to grow stronger and faster. The combined use of NPP 150 and Trenbolone or Stanozolol helps to increase strength. Due to the maximum endurance of the body, the ideal quality of muscle fibres is ensured.


To avoid the appearance of side effects, remember to strictly adhere to the instructions for use and do not consume more than the indicated dosage. Otherwise, the following side effects may appear; weight gain due to an increase in body fat, increased puffiness, skin problems in the form of acne and abscesses or the development of gynecomastia. It is especially important for women to be careful with the drug since violation of the instructions can lead to a malfunction in the menstrual cycle or increased hair growth on the body. The main taboo lies in increasing the recommended dosage. In case of any side effects, it is necessary to consult a sports therapist. You can do this online through our website.


The effect of the drug has been subjected to repeated clinical trials, and its effectiveness has also been confirmed by bodybuilders and weightlifters. Athletes claim that the drug has a strong anabolic effect and has a positive effect on bones, joints, and ligaments. By the way, unlike many other anabolic steroids, the harmful effects of this drug are minimal. As a rule, it is purchased by those who are worried about their health and choose only high-quality drugs. You can buy this and other steroids on our website. We always have a large selection of anabolic steroids, as well as drugs for a speedy recovery after a cycle. Everything we sell is certified and of premium quality. You can use the advice of our online manager and ask any questions you may have.

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