Post Cycle Therapy: What is PCT, PCT after Cycle, Best PCT Cycle to Keep Gains, and A Whole Lot of Other Information

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If you're new to the bodybuilding scene, you've definitely heard about post cycle treatment (PCT) but may not know what it is. PCT is an essential component of every steroid cycle, and knowing what it comprises will help you prepare for it. This blog article will define PCT, what to expect during and after PCT, and how to care for your body during this period. Continue reading to learn more!


What is PCT?


Post Cycle Therapy is a therapy designed to reduce the harmful effects of anabolic steroid cycles. It's a simple term, but it's worth reiterating to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) essentially restores any damage done to the body following a steroid cycle. Hormones delivered into the body by these medications during the steroid cycle may harm certain cells and organs and put natural hormonal production out of balance.

Changes in blood plasma lipid (fat) levels, increases in estradiol (estrogen), inhibition or full shut down of natural testosterone synthesis, and so on are examples of these side effects.

Post Cycle Therapies aim to restore normal levels of hormones and repair cell and organ damage.

Many of the health issues associated with anabolic steroids may occur in certain users if effective PCT is not used following steroid cycles.

The severity of these side effects vary depending on the particular user's reaction to the cycle, dose, and so on.

It should be noted, however, that many of these health conditions may cause long-term injury to the user's system if the body's normal testosterone synthesis is not restored following an anabolic steroid cycle (thus the existence of Post Cycle Therapy).

But, before we go any further, let's go over some of the well-known reasons why PCT is necessary after steroid cycles.

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What is PCT in Bodybuilding?

You put a lot of load on your body when you conclude an anabolic steroid cycle. During phase one, which begins immediately after the steroid cycle is over, recovery is the first concern. The first round of PCT is mostly concerned with recuperation. Doctors frequently suggest walking and stretching activities to assist reducing muscular pain and discomfort. If the individual opts for PCT phase two, sometimes known as a "extended PCT," they will need to concentrate more on muscle growth.

When to Start PCT after Cycle

PCT should usually begin around 2 weeks following your final anabolic steroid dose. After that, the treatment should be repeated for another 4-6 weeks (for a total of 6-8 weeks). However, if you don't know how long you've been taking anabolic steroids, determining this might be problematic.

It is advised that you start your PCT at least two weeks following your last anabolic steroid use. If this is not possible for whatever reason, it is recommended that you wait even longer (4-6 months).

How Long does PCT Take?

Individual PCT recovery periods will vary. Some folks may require 4-6 weeks before they are entirely healed. Others may need 8-10 weeks to recover completely from anabolic steroid usage. It all depends on how long you've been using anabolic steroids for and whether or not you had any issues that needed to be handled during PCT.

Individuals who have used anabolic steroids for a lengthy period of time may never recover completely. This is why it's vital to limit your steroid use to a set period of time. People who are following user recommendations heal considerably faster than individuals who have been abusing steroids for years.

Nolvadex PCT

Nolvadex is widely used in post-cycle treatment to restore natural testosterone levels that have been suppressed by anabolic steroid usage.

Nolvadex is well-known for its ability to increase testosterone while suppressing estrogen, allowing the pituitary gland to create more luteinizing hormone (LH).

This hormone is required for testosterone synthesis, and Nolvadex excels at restarting regular testosterone function, allowing you to avoid the symptoms of low T while maintaining your cycle gains.

The majority of users will need 4 weeks of Nolvadex for PCT, however longer or heavier steroid cycles may require 8 weeks of post-cycle treatment combining Nolvadex with other drugs such as aromatase inhibitors.

While it may be tempting for novice users to exceed the maximum advised dose of 20mg per day during post-cycle treatment, doing so has been shown to have no effect on testosterone levels. To cover all bases, aromatase inhibitors and HCG are routinely taken with Nolvadex during post-cycle treatment.

Nolvadex PCT Dosage

During a steroid cycle, a Nolvadex dosage for PCT is used to prevent male breast tissue enlargement, often known as gynecomastia. Any aromatizing anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) you consume will demand gyno therapy, and Nolvadex is a low-cost, straightforward, and safe solution.

Because it binds to estrogen receptors in the breast tissue, blocking estrogen from functioning, a modest Nolvadex dose for PCT (10mg to 20mg per day) is all that is required to protect against gynocomastia. Aromatase inhibitors will probably be necessary if the aromatizing impact of the steroids you're taking is too powerful for a PCT Nolvadex dosage to function.

Nolvadex Side Effects PCT

The bulk of Nolvadex's negative effects have been connected to its usage as a SERM for breast cancer therapy in women. However, because it has been taken for a long time by male anabolic steroid users, there is enough anecdotal data and personal experience to pinpoint some of the prevalent negative effects in men. We will not explore the adverse effects of Nolvadex for women who are taking medication to treat breast cancer in this post.

Not only does the medicine impact the female body differently, but it is administered for a significantly longer amount of time when used as cancer medication than when used by men to lessen estrogen side effects when on steroids or during post cycle therapy. As a consequence, the long-term side effects of Nolvadex usage aren't extremely worisome.

So, what are some of the long-term adverse effects of utilizing Nolvadex, either during or after the cycle?

1. While acne is not the most prevalent adverse effect of Nolvadex, it is the most likely. This is due to the fact that your testosterone levels will begin to rise, and acne is merely a natural side effect of growing testosterone levels in some men; not all guys are susceptible to acne, and if you aren't, you are unlikely to suffer this side effect.

2. Although nausea and stomach cramps are possible adverse effects of Nolvadex, the great majority of men will never experience them.

Nolvadex's negative effects for cancer therapy include cognitive impairment, hot flashes, and even other forms of cancer; nevertheless, they are not regarded as a danger factor for males who use this drug for performance improvement.

Maintaining an appropriate dose is the best strategy to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of long-term Nolvadex side effects.

Clomid PCT

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators medicine (SERM). It is an anti-estrogen and was created as a fertility medication for women who do not ovulate naturally.

Clomid is also used to treat hypogonadism in males as an alternative to testosterone replacement therapy, which is why it has become so popular among anabolic steroid users.

Clomid is highly appreciated in the bodybuilding business for its capacity to decrease the estrogenic adverse effects induced by many steroids throughout a cycle, as well as to reverse the fall in testosterone levels caused by taking steroids, which is why it is utilized in post-cycle treatment.

Water retention and gynecomastia are two of the most dreaded estrogen related adverse effects that anabolic steroid users want to avoid. Clomid can assist with both of these adverse effects, which if left unchecked can have major repercussions.

Excess water retention not only ruins your body and hides your gains, but it can also raise your blood pressure. Clomid is a wonderfully useful tool in the arsenal of any anabolic steroid user for all of these reasons.

Clomid PCT Dosage

Clomid is often used in modest dosages to mitigate the estrogenic adverse effects of an anabolic steroid cycle. Most men will discover that the Clomid dosing PCT needs ranges from 25mg per day, and is sufficient to counteract these negative effects for the duration of the cycle.

Some people will raise their Clomid PCT dosing to 50mg per day if adverse effects develop, although using Clomid at levels higher than 25mg per day is not regarded to be useful in minimizing side effects. It is possible that another SERM, such as Nolvadex or Toremifene, will be necessary. In rare circumstances, an aromatase inhibitor prescription may be necessary if adverse effects continue while using the Clomid dosage the PCT needs.

It is also important to keep in mind that your PCT Clomid dose must always be followed in order to avoid potential side effects.

Clomiphene for Men

Male bodybuilders and other steroid users commonly utilize Clomiphene Citrate, popularly known as Clomid, for PCT. This is due to the fact that Clomiphene Citrate is the only medicine available that prevents the body from turning testosterone into estrogen.

Clomid for Women

Clomiphene Citrate, or Clomid, is not often suggested for female bodybuilders and steroid users since it has a detrimental affect on a female's natural estrogen levels, which can result in undesirable symptoms such as irregular menstruation cycles, depression, thinning hair, and dry skin.

Female Clomid PCT Dosage 

Because Clomid was first developed with women in mind as a fertility aid, the suggested Clomid PCT dose for this application is normally 50 mg every day, with some women occasionally requiring an increase to 100 mg.

This dose is identical to the one indicated above for males. This shows that the most effective Clomid PCT dose is 50 mg or 100 mg, with greater doses offering little benefit while raising the risk of negative effects.

A PCT Clomid dosage should not be utilized in female steroid users since estrogenic side effects and testosterone suppression do not affect women.

Remember that one of the keys to a successful Post Cycle Therapy is the correct Clomid dosage during the PCT.

Best PCT Cycle to Keep Gains

If you want to maintain the gains from your steroid cycles, the greatest thing you can do is begin Post Cycle Therapy. This will assist the body in avoiding a number of hormonal abnormalities that may result from the usage of steroids.

PCT after Cycle (For Experienced Steroid Users)

Advanced steroid users should undergo Post Cycle Therapy to help their bodies recover following high-dose steroid cycles. The withdrawal symptoms of the user are likely to be more severe the longer he has used steroids.

Advanced users who utilize Post Cycle Therapy get less unfavorable side effects than those who do not use PCT at all. Although experienced users may not need PCT as much as beginners, it is still a good technique for reducing the impacts of a shutdown.

Here's an example of post-cycle treatment for sophisticated steroid users. But first, we need to figure out which steroids and vitamins are needed for this PCT.

Muscle Support PCT Stack

Muscle Support PCT Stack is a supplement stack that may be used to aid the body's recovery after an anabolic steroid cycle.

The following are the most prevalent substances found in Muscle Support PCT Stack:

- Tribulus Terrestris - (testosterone booster)

- DAA (D-aspartic acid) (D-aspartic acid)

- Zinc (increases testosterone production)

- Magnesium (increase testosterone production)

- B6 vitamin

Rebirth PCT

Rebirth PCT is an OTC PCT supplement aimed for athletes looking to boost their performance. It functions as a PCT, allowing you to recover fast after your cycle. Rebirth PCT contains ten powerful and professionally verified components to help you recover completely. If you take this product, you won't have to worry about any unwanted side effects after your period. Rebirth PCT is the most comprehensive product on the market, serving as a natural anti-estrogen and testosterone booster.

Rebirth PCT Reviews

Rebirth PCT has received nothing but positive feedback from customers. People frequently claim fantastic results from taking Rebirth PCT, such as seeing benefits in a very short time frame, a notable decrease in acne, and their skin cleaning up.

Other PCT Drugs that Have Been Proven Great in Bodybuilding PCTs

Aromasin (Exemestane)

Aromasin was authorized by the FDA in 1999, and it was first used in 2000. It is utilized in the treatment of both early and advanced breast cancer. This drug is an aromatase inhibitor. Aromasin is also known by the brand names Exemestane, Arimidex, and others.

Male bodybuilders who wish to avoid the negative consequences of high estrogen levels, such as gynecomastia and water retention, commonly use it. If you have a history of breast cancer or benign breast illness, you should avoid using this medicine since, unless prescribed by your doctor, it will not prevent breast cancer or benign breast disease. This is due to the fact that it is more commonly used to treat estrogen-related diseases than to prevent estrogen-related problems. Some evidence indicates that it may help patients avoid kidney stones, but further research is needed.

Aromasin is a substance that is taken orally and is normally dosed at 25mg per tablet. This dose is commonly administered to middle-aged men. The blood level of aromasin normally decreases with continuous usage, enhancing the likelihood of undesirable consequences such as decreased libido or erectile dysfunction. This dose is not always suitable for women.

Letrozole (Femara)

Letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor (AI) that was first used to treat breast cancer. Aromatase is the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to estrogen. Inhibiting this enzyme can result in higher testosterone and lower estrogen levels in the body. This is advantageous for bodybuilders since it lowers the risk of gynecomastia (male breast growth) and other estrogen-related negative effects.

Letrozole works by inhibiting the function of aromatase, lowering the quantity of estrogen in the body. This can result in a rise in testosterone levels, which is advantageous for bodybuilders wanting to improve muscular mass and strength. Letrozole can also assist to lower the amount of fat stored in the body, which is good for individuals attempting to lose weight.


SARMs, or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, are a kind of medication that has gained favor in the bodybuilding scene in recent years. They have several advantages over standard anabolic steroids, including increased muscle mass, decreased fat mass, and enhanced bone density.

But what exactly is a SARM? SARMs are androgen receptor ligands that may bind to androgen receptors in the body, causing anabolic effects. In other words, SARMs can help you bulk up, lose weight, or increase your strength and performance without the detrimental side effects that anabolic steroids have.

Ligand Pharmaceuticals developed SARMs for the first time in the year 2000. The original goal of SARMs was to develop a medicine that could be used to treat problems like muscle atrophy and osteoporosis while also providing a safer alternative to anabolic steroids.

It wasn't until a few years later that the bodybuilding world realized the potential of SARMs and began utilizing them. Ostarine, Andarine, and Ligandrol are the most often utilized SARMs in bodybuilding.

As previously stated, SARMs have several advantages over standard anabolic steroids. Some of the most noteworthy advantages are increased muscle growth, higher energy levels, no adverse effects, and the potential to be taken for both bulking and cutting cycles.

SARMs are becoming an increasingly popular alternative for bodybuilders and athletes trying to increase their performance, and their popularity will only expand as more study is undertaken on them.

SARMs are frequently used by bodybuilders and athletes trying to increase their performance as a safer and more effective alternative to anabolic steroids. As previously stated, SARMs have several advantages over typical anabolic steroids, including increased muscle mass, decreased fat mass, and less negative effects.

SARMs can be utilized for Post-Cycle Therapy in a variety of ways.

The most often used SARMs for PCT are:

  • Nolvadex is a SARM that is commonly used for PCT. It aids in the restoration of the body's normal hormone levels and the prevention of adverse effects such as gyno.
  • Clomid is a SARM that is frequently used for PCT. It aids in the restoration of the body's normal hormone levels and improves the outcomes of your cycle.
  • Androxal - Androxal is a SARM used to boost testosterone levels. It can be used for PCT to aid in the recovery of the body from the stress of exercise and weightlifting.
  • Proviron is a SARM that is frequently used to reduce adverse effects including gynecomastia and testicular shrinkage. It can be used for PCT to assist the body in reestablishing its normal hormone levels.
  • Ostarine is a SARM that is frequently used for PCT. It aids in the improvement of your cycle's outcomes and the prevention of adverse effects such as gyno.
  • Andarine is a SARM that is frequently used for PCT. It aids in improving your cycle’s performance and lowering your chance of injury.
  • S-4, also known as Androxal, is a SARM used to boost testosterone levels. It can be used for PCT to aid in the recovery of the body from the stress of exercise and weightlifting.

There are other SARMs that may be used for PCT, but these are the most often employed. It is critical to consider the individual's needs and goals while selecting a SARM for PCT. There are several SARMs accessible, therefore it is critical to select the one that best meets the demands of the bodybuilder.

Benefits of using SARMs during PCT


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