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Created By : 15-Feb-2023 Write By: admin Published In: ROOT Hits: 3086 Comment: 0

T3, also known as Cytomel, is a widely used synthetic thyroid hormone. It is a medication that boosts the body's metabolism, causing it to burn more calories. As a result, Cytomel is a popular component of any fat-loss program.

Created By : 29-Dec-2022 Write By: admin Published In: ROOT Hits: 4504 Comment: 0

If you're new to the bodybuilding scene, you've definitely heard about post cycle treatment (PCT) but may not know what it is. PCT is an essential component of every steroid cycle, and knowing what it comprises will help you prepare for it. This blog article will define PCT, what to expect during and after PCT, and how to care for your body during this period. Continue reading to learn more!

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